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Soccer2005 Spring Season Begins April 16th! Directions to the community fields
Grundy Center Soccer is played under the Cedar Valley Youth Soccer Association. Grundy Center currently offers soccer at Under 8, Under 10, Under 12, and Under 14 levels, for boys and girls. (Sometimes we have to combine into co-ed teams, which play in the boys' league). The child's birth date determines what level they play at, not their grade. The cut-off date is August 1st (this is an international date, we can't change it.) For a child to play Under 8 soccer, on August 1st they must be at least 6 years old but not 8 years old. Registration covers two seasons, Fall and Spring. Registration occurs in the spring for the following fall/spring season. Teams are re-split before the fall season, spring teams are the same as the preceding fall teams. Each season consists of 6 games- 3 at home, and 3 away games. Other towns belonging to CVYSA include: Aplington-Parkersburg, Cedar Falls, Denver, Dike, Dysart, Hudson, Independence, LaPorte City, Reinbeck, Traer, Tripoli, Waterloo and Waverly. Registration for one year costs $50. This includes a game shirt and socks, which the child will get to keep. Players registering after the June 12 cutoff date will be charged a $25 late fee. All players need a new registration form filled out each year, and need to turn in a small photo (for the player passes.) First time players need to turn in a copy of their certified birth certificate (county issued, NOT the hospital issued.) This is required to prove the birthdate. For more information, call Julie Stefl, 824-3524. |